Saturday, January 29, 2022

things are changing for the better💕✨🍀☀️

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

It wasn't the best day. Retrograde mercury exploded all over me today🤦‍♀️

Sunday, January 23, 2022

These are all unedited from my iphone 13 pro. I've had the 10XS for so long and when they phone was considered new lol.
Chips hasn't been doing well. He's been having seizures sporadically for the past two days. The feeling of not being able to help besides to administer more medicine is extremely sad and draining. Chips is our four legged dog child. We would do anything for him. We've dealt with numerous doctors and neurologists who've told us that there's nothing we can do but keep him comfortable and let him rest. The in-between times (no seizures)make up for times like these, the hard, depressing period when he is experiencing seizures.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Went out to a work lunch today at Iori Sushi in Santa Monica. Tried new things. The dessert was amazing. Cream brûlée(white chocolate and macadamia nuts) and tempura matcha ice cream.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Omg I love looking at old photos! It shows how much things can change and how it might seem underwhelming or uncertain but you can come out on top. It just takes a little while but you have got to hang in there. Good talk.

Monday, January 17, 2022

It rained out if nowhere today. Had two great mtgs in Encino today.