Thursday, November 3, 2011

photos before the mac miller show

Last night Lindsay, Justin, and his friends went to the Mac Miller show. Needless to say Mac Miller is amazing and he put on a great show. He is such a talented person who is grateful for his fans. He is so young and a lot of young people who are in the music business lack the understanding of feelings and respect for people who care about them. I also wanted to mention the fact that there were a bunch of high schoolers at the show wearing barely anything. My sister and I were the most clothed. Hahaha it was funny to see everyone singing and dancing along to his fast rapping. Kid has skills.
I wore my black combat boots, ripped jean jeggings, long black tank, and my black leather jacket.
Justin looked like Mac Miller and 99% of the guys at the show.
Before we left, Justin asked if I was going to wear all black. Does he not know me? Hhaha. Linds also wore black ripped leggings and black combat boots with a different shirt that isn't pictured above and a red oversized beanie from Forever 21.

1 comment:

  1. Your hair looks so amazing. Love the growl lipstick on you it looks perfect:)
