Monday, November 5, 2012

What I Nommed on today

I got up kind of early today because of my loud neighbors. I could hear them yelling at each other and I heard someone watching Dora the Explorer so I decided to be productive and made doughnut muffins. I made oatmeal raisin chocolate chip doughnut muffins. I had jury duty today. Yeah td weird. After jury duty, me and Linds get burritos and are going to go to Gina's birthday get together a little bit later tonight. Then jury duty tmrw at 10am. Wah!


  1. Omg, where is the skeleton hands shirt from? I need that in my life!! Love your blog by the way (:

    - Jill

  2. Hey! I got it from go here:
    and type in skull :) it's on sale too!
