Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sunless Sunday

Sometimes I like to do random sketches. Lipstick is so fun to draw for some reason. I'm trying to keep myself distracted because I just dropped Kyle off at LAX a couple hours ago. It's been awhile well, summer since Kyle's been on tour. I will get used to it. The first few weeks suck. It's also really hard going from being around someone constantly to not at all. It will get better! Last night Kyle surprised me and took me ice skating, but I wasn't really into it, so we didn't skate. I was actually starving so we went to the Burbank mall and got Wahoo's. We shared a veggie burrito and fish tacos. It was insanely good. We walked around the mall and I ended up in Forever 21 where I dragged Kyle around. I got 2 shirts. One is a black and white stripped shirt and the other is this military green crop shirt that looks like a Topshop shirt from a couple of years ago. They probably still sell something just like it in their stores now. We came home and watched Gossip Girl and ate dessert in bed and just relaxed. It was perfect. Anyways, I'm trying to remain optimistic.
A lighter scribble

A lipstick scribble

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