Unedited Photos on Social Media

I have a little bit of a rant for you. These photos are unedited. I posted an edited version of the first one to Instagram. Check it out at ilyjessicaomg I think it is very important to show the real you on social media. I know it's a lot easier to seem perfect via social media, but the truth is, NO ONE IS PERFECT. Despite what you may think, no is actually perfect. A filter might make them seem perfect, an edit, makeup, etc. Everything like that is a shadow to hide the real you. I could also say, those are ways to enhance what you have, but that would be somewhat hypocritical. I am not sorry for who I am or what I look like. I just hope you can see that I am not trying to bash anyone who loves all those things, (Instagram apps, editing, etc.) I love those things too. I am just not trying to convey an image of perfection. I hope you all have a great New Years and let's do something more than ourselves in 2016.


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