GenBeauty Photos

Diana and Bethany. She's very bubbly and super friendly!

Us and Kacey. We sent this photo to my brother because they are friends! 

Us and Ingrid. She's so sweet! 

Super nice subscriber!

Silly faces~

Me and Kacey. Look how long our hair is!

Me, Diana, and Celina.

Kandee Johnson speaking at her panel. She was so sweet and sincere. Her talk was very inspiring and she answered several questions from the audience. I asked a couple. 

Us and Andrea. Twin power!
Pink carpet photo.

Evelina and I. She's so sweet!

met a subscriber!
Met another subscriber! We bonded over my ringtone.

Caitlin, Kacey, and Dani. Super nice girls! 

cool camera necklace~

Us with Diana on the pink carpet.

Another  pink carpet photo.


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