Saturday, November 3, 2012

Tonight Tonight

Tonight Gina and I went Thrifting at Savers and I only found three things. Gina found one thing. We went to IN N OUT after and it was so good. I had an animal style without onions, grilled cheese with one slice of cheese, two tomatoes, and extra lettuce. I apologized for my complicated order. Afterwards, we went to Walgreens to get candy. I got pumpkins. They're so good! We also took pictures with doughnuts and Taylor Swift. That's pretty normal. We had to wait like twenty minutes in line because apparently Walgreens is to be on a Saturday night. It felt weird. Bad vibes from that Walgreens store for sure. After Walgreens, we went to a show in Cupertino at a bowling alley. This band PK played. I haven't heard of them before. It was hot on the venue which sucked. It was a fun night. Hope you all had a good Saturday.


  1. If you don't mind me asking, what area of San Jose was this Walgreens by? Just asking because it looks familiar.

  2. How did you and Gina become friends again? I think it's great that you guys were able to work out your differences. Like, who was the first person to approach the other... what did the person say?

  3. Lindsey-We were in Cupertino.

    Rita-We saw each other at Warped and talked it out during Mayday Parade. hahaha
