Rain, rain, rain

it's pouring outside!! yesterday i just took it easy and stayed home all day. it's nice to have a day to collect yourself from a busy weekend filled of driving and adventure. last night i spent like almost 2hrs on blogTV which was really entertaining for me. hahah i love everyone who joined my room. so i think today linds and i might go out. i know my brother has a game later on in the day, we might go to that. he's really good. i'm so proud of him.
anyways, what do you guys like to do when it's raining outside?


  1. Uhmm so.. I love when it's raining outside just when I have to study, so I haven't the temptation to go outside.. And.. When I'm sad, or something like that too.
    Otherwise.. I hate rain and I love sun!!! :)

    Ps. Compliments Jess! I love ur post and ur videos! :)

    Pps. Sorry if my english isn't very good but.. I'm Italian..

  2. Thank you Hayley! I agree, it's much easier to study when it's raining outside!


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